Although vulnerability assessments specific to wetland ecosystems are not available through the NIACS Climate Change Response Framework, there are partner resources that summarize climate impacts relevant to wetland ecosystems that can help when assessing site vulnerability.
The Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts (WICCI) has produced numerous plant community climate vulnerability assessments.
Non-Forested Wetlands Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment
Additional resources -
- Regional forest ecosystem vulnerability assessments describe potential impacts, and tree species vulnerability in the Midwest and Northeast
- Explore potential climate impacts relevant to your region
- NOAA state climate summaries
- USGS detailed climate summaries for your county, regional watershed, etc.
- National Climate Assessment (2017) - Climate Science Special Report
- National Climate Assessment (2018)
- Wisconsin's Changing Climate: Impacts and Adaptation (2011) original report, subreports from Plants and Natural Communities and Water Resources working groups
- Native species ranges - "The Biota of North America Program North American Vascular Flora"
- Wetlands and climate change webinar series (NRCS Conservation Planners Training Webinars, Association of State Wetlands Managers)