Project Area
Sugar Island is part of a large chain of islands on the St. Mary's River between the US and Canada, east of Sault Ste. Marie. The island is about 6 miles across and 20 miles long, and it is within the ceded territory of the Bay Mills Indian Community. Tribal members retain rights to hunt, fish, and gather on the island, and Bay Mills owns a portion of the island outright. There are a few houses and cabins on the shoreline of the Bay Mills property, but it is largely undeveloped. Northern hardwoods and lowland hardwoods are the primary forest types in this portion of the island.
Management Goals
The Bay Mills Indian Community does not have a history of active management on Sugar Island, so this project will represent a noteworthy first step for the tribe. Staff members focused on the property owned by BMIC for this project, and their management goals included:
- managing for wildlife habitat (primarily deer)
- managing for high-quality sugar maple for maple syrup production
- maintaining forest cover in lowland hardwood forests following emerald ash borer invasion and preventing conversion to open wetlands
Climate Change Impacts
For this project, the most important anticipated climate change impacts include:
Declining suitable habitat for northern and boreal tree species such as paper birch, balsam fir, and sugar maple
Shorter winters may make management on this site more difficult, because of wet soils
Reduced snowpack and milder winters may lead to more deer browse challenges for forest regeneration
Adaptation Actions
Project participants used the Adaptation Workbook to develop several adaptation actions for this project, including:
Wildlife habitat
Implement single-tree selection in northern hardwood stands 2&3, reducing BA by one-third
Leave snags and mature yellow birch for habitat (cavities)
Sugar Bush
Thin neighboring trees to release crowns of sugar maple crop trees
Retain red maple as another sap-producer in case sugar maple declines
Lowland hardwoods
5.2. Maintain and restore diversity of native species.
9.7. Introduce species that are expected to be adapted to future conditions.
9.7. Introduce species that are expected to be adapted to future conditions.
Identify suitable planting sites and plant a variety of supplemental lowland hardwood tree species to compensate for the loss of ash species, including hackberry, red maple, sycamore, basswood, river birch, swamp white oak, and chokecherry
Bay Mills staff considered a few monitoring items for this project, including:
Wildlife surveys on the property
Deer browse intensity surveys
Sap production monitoring, including quantity and timing
Member use surveys
Survival and growth of planted seedlings
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Assisted migration
Insect pests
Lowland/ bottomland hardwoods
Upland hardwoods