The Adaptation Workbook enables natural resource professionals to consider the potential effects of climate change on forests and then design actions that can help reduce risk and increase the ability to cope with changing conditions. It provides a flexible process that accommodates a wide variety of geographic locations, scales, ecosystems, land uses, management goals, and ownership types. The Adaptation Workbook was created by the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science (NIACS), and this process is described in Forest Adaptation Resources: Climate change tools and approaches for land managers, 2nd Edition.

Various "quick guide" formats of the Adaptation Workbook were developed by NIACS for use by natural resources professionals and land trusts, documents are in English and Spanish. Find versions below.


A Quick Guide to Adaptation Planning for Natural Resources Professionals

This document was created by the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science in collaboration with the USDA Northern Forests Climate Hub. The Quick Guide was developed as an entry point to adaptation planning for natural resources professionals. It parallels an adaptation guide developed specifically for Land Trusts in collaboration with the Land Trust Alliance, A Quick Guide to Adaptation Planning for Land Trusts but has a slightly different focal audience. Information from this toolkit was adapted from the USDA Forest Service report Forest Adaptation Resources: Climate Change Tools and Approaches for Land Managers, 2nd edition. This Quick Guide includes an updated "Short Version" of the Adaptation Workbook that was originally described in the Forest Adaptation Resources (Appendix 4).

Download Natural Resoures Quick Guide

  • Citation: Janowiak, Maria; Shannon, Danielle; Schmitt, Kristen; Baroli, Madeline; Brandt, Leslie; Handler, Stephen; Butler-Leopold, Patricia; Ontl, Todd; Peterson, Courtney; Rutledge, Annamarie; Swanston, Chris. 2022. A quick guide to adaptation planning for natural resources professionals. NRS-INF-41-22. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 14 p.

A Quick Guide to Adaptation Planning for Land Trusts

This document was created by the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science in collaboration with the Land Trust Alliance. This Quick Guide was developed specifically to support land trusts and serve as a stepping stone for the process of adaptation planning. Information from this toolkit was adapted from the USDA Forest Service report Forest Adaptation Resources: Climate Change Tools and Approaches for Land Managers, 2nd edition. This Quick Guide includes an updated "Short Version" of the Adaptation Workbook that was originally described in the Forest Adaptation Resources (Appendix 4).

Download the Land Trust Quick Guide

  • Citation: Janowiak, Maria; Shannon, Danielle; Schmitt, Kristen; Baroli, Madeline; Brandt, Leslie; Handler, Stephen; Butler-Leopold, Patricia; Ontl, Todd; Peterson, Courtney; Rutledge, Annamarie; Swanston, Chris. 2022. A quick guide to adaptation planning for land trusts. NRS-INF-40-22. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 14 p.

Guía rápida de planificación a la adaptación  para profesionales de recursos naturales/A quick guide to adaptation planning for natural resource professionals 

Este documento fue elaborado por el Instituto de Ciencias Climáticas Aplicadas del Norte en colaboración con el Centro Climático de Bosques del Norte del USDA. La Guía rápida se desarrolló como punto de acceso para la planificación a la adaptación para profesionales de recursos naturales. Es paralela a una guía de adaptación desarrollada específicamente para fideicomisos de tierras en colaboración con Land Trust Alliance, Guía rápida de planificación a la adaptación para fideicomisos de tierras, pero se modificó para el público internacional. La información de este juego de herramientas se adaptó del informe del Servicio Forestal de EEUU, Recursos para la adaptación: Herramientas y métodos de cambio climático para administradores de tierras, 2da edición.

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Estrategias y métodos de adaptación