Spanish version
How the list is organized:
We have provided you with a list of high-quality resources relevant to climate change adaptation in Latin America. The list begins with Regional Resources in both Spanish and English, then country-specific resources.
To help you use the list more efficiently, we have labeled some resources recommended and others optional. Recommended resources provide a broad but through overview of topics relevant to climate change adaptation. They are a great starting point for your work in adaptation. Optional resources are complementary and can be consulted after the recommended resources. Compared to recommended resources, they may be narrower in scope, more specialized, or present similar information in a different way.
Regional Resources:
In Spanish:
- ¿Qué implica para Latinoamérica? El Quinto Reporte de Evaluación del IPCC (Report, – This executive summary report reviews the broad climate change implications for Latin America contained in the 5th IPCC report.
- Climate Change Impacts in Latin America, (Summary, – This overview from the World Wildlife Federation covers the broad climate change impacts likely to affect Latin America. The summary is in English, however there are multiple specific sections below in Spanish.
- Calentamiento global y cambio climático en Sudamérica (Paper, – This paper reviews projected climate change in South America, the possible impacts, and the capacity of national governments to address these challenges.
- Cambio Climatico en Centroamerica - Guia de Navegacion (Report, – This report reviews projected climate change in South America, the possible impacts, and highlights capacity weaknesses that complicate the challenges of response.
In English:
- IPCC AR6 Regional fact sheet – Central and South America: (One-page Paper, -- This is a one-page, very high-level summary of the climate change information presented for Central and South America in the 6th IPCC Assessment Report.
- IPCC Working Group I Interactive Atlas (Web Resource, -- This is an interactive mapping tool for exploring the observed and projected climate change information presented in the 6th IPCC Assessment Report. World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal (Interactive Web Resource, – This resource provides country- and watershed-specific climate change profiles, including an overview, climate data, changes by sector, vulnerabilities, impacts, and adaptations. Click on ‘country’ or ‘watershed’ to select the desired location from a world map. Click on ‘country profiles’ for a list of available fact sheets by country.
- USAID ClimateLinks Regional and Country Risk Profiles and GHG Emissions Fact Sheets (Web Resource, – This resource provides a list of links to region- and country- specific ‘at-a-glance’ climate change profiles. Click on a specific country to see a high-level summary of key climate projections and impact areas, and links to additional resources, including risk profiles and GHG fact sheets. Some country resources are translated to Spanish while others are not.
- Impacts of climate change on mangrove ecosystems: a region by region overview (Paper, – This review highlights extreme regional variation in climate change threats and impacts, and how these factors impact the structure of mangrove communities, their biodiversity and geomorphological setting.
- Climate Change and the Baja California Peninsula (Report, - An overview of available downscaled climate knowledge for the peninsula.
- AR5 Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability - Coastal Systems and Lowlying Areas (Report, – This chapter of IPCC’s 5th report on climate change focuses on coastal systems and the specific impacts projected there.
- Climate change impacts in Latin America and the Caribbean and their implications for development (Paper, – This paper synthesizes what is known about the physical and biophysical impacts of climate change and their consequences for societies and development under different levels of global warming in Latin America and the Caribbean.
- The impact of climate change on mangrove forests (Paper, – This review critically assesses the impact of climate change on mangrove ecosystems.
- Large-scale impact of climate change vs. land-use change on future biome shifts in Latin America (Paper, – This paper projects the estimated relative impacts of climate change and land use changes for Latin America under four socio-economic development scenarios.
- Current state of knowledge regarding South America wetlands and their future under global climate change (Paper, – This paper reviews the projected extent of climate change impacts on South America’s wetlands.
- IPCC 6th Assessment Report: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability - Central and South America (Report,– This chapter of the IPCC’s 6th report focuses on the climate change impacts projected in Central and South America, and how this region is prepared to adapt.
Country and Territory Resources:
Caribbean and Puerto Rico:
In English:
- Eastern and Southern Caribbean Climate Vulnerability Assessment: 2022 Update (Report, This vulnerability assessment covers eleven Caribbean countries’ exposure, sensitivity and adaptative capacity to climate change to support prioritization of climate action for the region.
- Puerto Rico Climate Change Council. (Website, Through collaboration with numerous stakeholders, the goal of this group is to develop a coastal zone vulnerability assessment and adaptation strategies.
- Caribbean Climate Hub: ADAPTA Climate Adaptation. (Website, The Climate Hub's mission is to help society sustain and improve the viability of forestry and agricultural production, the availability and quality of soil and water resources, the viability and quality of rural lifestyles, and food security in the face of variability and change. climate change.
In English and Spanish:
- CARICOOS (Caribbean Ocean Observing System). (Mapping tool, CARICOOS is the United States Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System. This effort, funded by the NOAA IOOS office (, is one of eleven regional observing systems that together with other federal agencies make up the national coastal component of the Integrated Ocean Observing System of the United States.
In Spanish:
- Committee of Experts and Advisors on Climate Change (CEACC). (Website, The Committee of Experts and Advisors on Climate Change (CEACC) is the body created under Law 33-2019, known as the "Puerto Rico Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation and Resilience Act", which establishes the formation of a Committee of Experts and Advisors to outline a Mitigation, Adaptation and Resilience Plan.
In Spanish:
- Segunda Comunicación Nacional ante la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático (Report, – This is Colombia’s latest communication on its efforts to combat climate change under its treaty obligations for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
- Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible – Colombia (Website, – This is the main website for the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development and serves as a clearinghouse for resources and publications about climate change in Colombia.
- La Herramienta para la Acción Climática (Tool, – This tool from the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development allows users to search for specific topics related to climate change, finding resources and reports.
In English:
- Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Huila 2050: Preparing for Climate Change. (Report, This study uses future projections of rainfall and temperature to rate municipalities’ vulnerability within Colombia’s southwestern department of Huila.
Dominican Republic
In English
- Dominican Republic Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment. ( This vulnerability assessment makes recommendations for disaster risk reduction and early warning systems; development planning for infrastructure and land use; and management and conservation of coastal habitats and watersheds.
El Salvador:
In Spanish:
- Evaluación de Vulnerabilidad y Adaptación al Cambio Climático en El Salvador. (Report, This report, by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, summarizes climate vulnerability and adaptation strategies for El Salvador.
- Cambio climático en El Salvador: Impactos, respuestas y desafíos para la reducción de la vulnerabilidad (Report, This report provides a summary of climate impacts in El Salvador and potential actions that could be taken to reduce vulnerability.
In Spanish:
- Reporte De Cambio Climático Guatemala (Report, – This report reviews climate change impacts and Guatemala’s efforts to adapt.
- Segunda Comunicación Nacional sobre Cambio Climático Guatemala (Report, - This is Guatemala’s latest communication on its efforts to combat climate change under its treaty obligations for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
- Cambio climático: ¿cómo nos afecta y qué estamos haciendo en Guatemala? (Paper, – This paper reviews the specific impacts of climate change in Guatemala and gives and overview of national actions to adapt.
- Agenda De Investigación En Adaptación Y Reducción De La Vulnerabilidad Ante El Cambio Climático (Report, – This report, from the government agency Sistema Guatemalteco de Ciencias del Cambio Climático describes the areas of priority for Guatemala nationally in the fight against climate change.
- Plan de Accion Nacional de Cambio Climatico (Report, - This report, from the government agency Sistema Guatemalteco de Ciencias del Cambio Climático lays out Guatemala’s national plan for climate change.
In Spanish:
- Tercera Comunicación Nacional sobre Cambio Climatico: Republica de Honduras ante la convencion Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre cambio climatico (Report, - This is Honduras’ latest communication on its efforts to combat climate change under its treaty obligations for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
- Estrategia Nacional de Cambio Climático Honduras (Report, - This report, from the government agency Secretaria de recursos naturales y ambiente lays out Honduras’ national plan for climate change.
- Cuadernillo Informativo Cambio Climático con enfoque en la gestión de riesgo y género (Tool, – This informational pamphlet provides an accessible explanation of climate change risks, with a focus on management and the complicating intersection of gender.
In English:
Vulnerability and Resilience to Climate Change in Southern Honduras. (Report, This study recommends integrated, ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation in southern Honduras that link upper watersheds and coastal zones.
Vulnerability and Resilience to Climate Change in Western Honduras. (Report, This report focuses on how projected climate change will impact the region’s livelihoods and ecosystems, and identifies existing and potential adaptive responses.
In Spanish:
- Sexta Comunicación Nacional y Segundo Reporte Bienal de Actualización ante la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (Report, - This is Mexico’s latest communication on its efforts to combat climate change under its treaty obligations for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
- Buenas prácticas y lecciones aprendidas (Report, – This report from the government of Mexico explains best practices learned in the management of natural resources under climate change.
- México ante el cambio climático (Website, - This is the main website for Mexico’s national efforts to combat climate change and serves as a clearinghouse for resources and publications.
- Herramienta para la Elaboración de Programas de Adaptación al Cambio Climático en Áreas Naturales Protegidas (Tool, – This tool from the government of Mexico explores climate change adaptation in the management of nationally protected areas.
- Atlas Nacional de Vulnerabilidad al Cambio Climático (Tool, – This map tool from the Government of Mexico allows users to explore various social climate change vulnerabilities throughout Mexico down to the municipal level.
- Explorador de cambio climatico y biodiversidad (Tool, - This map tool from the Government of Mexico allows users to explore historical and projected climate change impacts throughout the country.
In English:
- Spline models of contemporary, 2030, 2060 and 2090 climates for Mexico and their use in understanding climate-change impacts on the vegetation (Paper, – This paper proposes models, which are directly suited for inferring plant–climate relationships and, therefore, in assessing impact of and developing programs for accommodating global warming.
- Climate change impacts and adaptation strategies in temperate forests in Central Mexico: a participatory approach (Paper, – This paper analyzes forests in central Mexico and the importance of land degradation as a factor that increases vulnerability to warmer than normal temperatures that may result in forest fires
- Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience: Current Status and Trends for Mexico (Report, – This report, prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy, assesses the current resilience of Mexico and Mexican states to climate changes, as well as how this resilience will look in the future.
In Spanish:
- Tercera Comunicación Nacional de Paraguay a la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (Report, - This is Paraguay’s latest communication on its efforts to combat climate change under its treaty obligations for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
- Dirección Nacional de Cambio Climático – Paraguay (Website, - This is the main website for Paraguay’s national efforts to combat climate change and serves as a clearinghouse for resources and publications.
In Spanish:
- El Perú y el Cambio Climático Tercera Comunicación Nacional del Perúa la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático (Report, - This is Peru’s latest communication on its efforts to combat climate change under its treaty obligations for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
- Herramientas / Cambio Climático (Tool, - This tool from Peru’s Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología is a collection of data, maps, and research that explain climate change past, present, and future in Peru.
- Investigación: El Cambio Climático y sus efectos en el Perú (Paper, - This report from Peru’s Ministerio del Ambiente provides an overview of climate change impacts and specific vulnerabilities in Peru.
- Contribuciones Nacionalmente Determinadas (Report, - This report from Peru’s Ministerio del Ambiente provides an explanation of national goals and efforts to combat climate change framed by the Paris Agreement.