- ET

This online short course is designed for land trusts actively working on stewardship projects in rural, suburban, and urban forests, forested watersheds, and wetland systems.

Course Goals

  • Identify locally important climate change impacts, challenges, and opportunities.
  • Understand a step-by-step process for considering climate change and carbon in land stewardship and management.
  • Develop actions to help a specific natural area adapt to changing conditions.
  • Communicate with stakeholders about climate impacts and adaptation responses.


Land trusts can participate as individuals or in groups up to five. Climate vulnerability information will be targeted to ecosystems in the U.S. Midwest, Northeast, Intermountain west and Pacific Northwest.

This course will be held over 3 weeks requiring 3 hours of virtual live classes, a self guided field session and assignments. Instructors will provide guidance, weekly check-ins, and coaching. For the self-guided field session, participants are asked to visit a property or natural area of their choosing and think about real-world applications of the course material.

Virtual Class ScheduleLTA Course Schedule


$125.00 per land trust (limit of 5 staff)
Register here

Next steps

See the course communications below for assignments, relevant resources, and links

Message 1 - Pre-course welcome - Oct. 30th, 2020

Message 2 - Session 1 recap  - Nov. 2nd, 2020

Message 3 - Session 2 recap - Nov. 5th, 2020

Reminder - Nov. 12th, 2020

Message 5 - Course wrap-up - Nov. 20th, 2020

This event is supported by our partners
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