September 24th was open to all interested natural resource professionals. Slides from presentations are below:
- Pennsylvania's Changing Climate (Greg Czarnecki, PA DCNR)
- Climate Change Effects on Forest Ecosystems (Patricia Leopold, NIACS)
- Climate Change and Forest Hydrology (Bryan Swistock, Penn State University)
- Climate Change Effects on Carbon (Todd Ontl, NIACS/USDA Northern Forests Climate Hub)
- Adapting Forest to Climate Change/NRCS Conservation Practices (Stacey Clark, NIACS/NRCS)
- Real-World Examples of Forest Adaptation (Patricia Leopold, NIACS)
Additional Resources:
- Climate Change Tree Atlas
- Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center (NECASC)
- Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKEX)
- USDA Climate Hubs
- Fourth National Climate Assessment (NCA4)
- US Climate Resilience Toolkit (Climate Explorer)
- NOAA Climate-at-a-Glance
- Patricia Leopold / Mid-Atlantic Climate Change Response Framework
September 25th is an active, hands-on training for a limited number of participants that are considering climate change in their own real-world projects using the Adaptation Workbook (pgs. 74-89) and menus of strategies and approaches for forests or other relevant topics.
Note: This workshop was approved for Continuing Forestry Education credits for both days. Day 1 is approved for 5 Category 1 CFE units. Day 2 is approved for 5.5 Category CFE units.
Patricia Leopold, Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science
Stacey Clark, USDA Climate Hubs, Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science
Peter Hoagland, Natural Resources Conservation Service
Allyson Muth, Center for Private Forests