These interactive, hands-on trainings help natural resources managers incorporate climate change considerations into their own real-world management projects.
Adaptation Planning and Practices (APP) is a hands-on training to help natural resources managers incorporate climate change considerations into their own real-world forest management projects. The training uses information and tools developed through the Climate Change Response Framework, including Forest Adaptation Resources: Climate Change Tools and Approaches for Land Managers and is described in this publication (free access).
Learn more about this training approach. Download the publication Schmitt et al, 2021 "Beyond Planning Tools: Experiential Learning in Climate Adaptation Planning and Practices" (open free access download).

Integrating climate into planning
It is becoming increasingly important to consider the potential management challenges and opportunities associated with a changing and uncertain climate. During this active, hands-on training, natural resource managers incorporate climate change considerations and identify actions for adaptation into their own real-world natural resource management projects. Workshops and trainings are offered in-person, or online.
Is this training for me?
This training is designed for public, private, and tribal natural resource managers across the Midwest and Northeast who are interested in actively enhancing the ability of forests and other ecosystems to cope with changing conditions. Individuals and small teams can participate in a training. Bringing a small team may help projects thoroughly consider a variety of management goals and considerations - including woods, water, wildlife, carbon, and other factors.
Adaptation in Action
What are the benefits of participation?
The Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science (NIACS) provides assistance during the entire training process to help managers identify and implement adaptation actions in real-world management projects. Through this training, participants will be able to:
- Identify useful resources on climate change trends, future projections, and forest impacts
- Describe regional and local effects of climate change on forest ecosystems
- Understand adaptation concepts and principles in the context of sustainable forest management
- Use Forest Adaptation Resources in real-world management projects
- Access post-training support from NIACS
- Identify potential sources of funding to help implement adaptation projects
- Receive Continuing Education Credits/Units (pending approval from the Society of American Foresters, and the International Society of Arboriculture)
Resources and Curriculum
These trainings have been developed as part of the Climate Change Response Framework. Specifically, participants are provided with training on climate change and its effects on forest ecosystems. Each training uses the Adaptation Workbook to consider how climate change may affect a real-world forest management project, identify challenges and opportunities for management under a changing climate, and develop actions to reduce risk and increase the ability of forests to cope with change.
These trainings take advantage of both distance and in-person learning opportunities to maximize efficiency for professional education. Prior to the in-person component, participants will be provided with materials related to regional climate change effects on forests (or other ecosystems), and instructions and assistance in selecting a forestry project that will be used during the training.
Pre-workshop preparation takes approximately 6 hours to complete and is followed by a workshop typically lasting 1.5-2 days. Post-training follow-up and assistance is available to help managers implement forestry projects after the training. Past trainings have been accredited for Continuing Forestry Education Credits through the Society of American Foresters, and we anticipate doing so for future events.
These trainings are targeted at professionals who will develop adaptation tactics for their own projects while learning to use the Adaptation Workbook and other resources developed through the Framework. Following the training, the manager can decide to implement the adaptation actions that were identified to serve as examples for other managers.
Contact us for more information
Learn more about this training approach. Download the publication Schmitt et al, 2021 "Beyond Planning Tools: Experiential Learning in Climate Adaptation Planning and Practices" (open free access download).