We are using the Adaptation Workbook to consider climate change adaptation actions for four different preserves in Florida. This landing page is a place to share resources for team members.
The Workshop will include an introductory session in July, and three working sessions in November, 2022.
Preparing for the training
We are asking team members to:
- Attend or review the Introductory Session for the workshop (scheduled for 7/27/2022). View the recording or see slides posted below.
- Complete and submit the worksheet for Step 1 (Goals and Objectives) for each preserve. Download the worksheet below (due 10/28/2022).
- By the first workshop session, take some time to review climate impact and vulnerability information relevant to your preserve, including relevant ecosystem types or species. Additional recommended readings will be posted on this page as they become available.
- For an overview of climate projections in the Florida regions with the four preserves, see the CCI campus climate change projections slide deck below under 'additional materials'
- For information on the climate vulnerability of relevant habitats and species, review the Climate Adaptation Explorer for Florida:
- For excerpts from scientific literature on climate impacts and ecosystem vulnerabilities, see the report from TACCIMO (Template for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Management Options). This report compiles quotes from scientific literature relevant to climate in the southeastern US organized by natural resources topics, or 'factors'. Find the report listed under 'additional materials' (TACCIMO Florida Reference Report).
Workshop Sessions
Session 1: Monday, November 28th, 1:00-4:00pm ET (3 hours – see calendar invite)
- Homework: please review the NIACS Adaptation Menu(s) most relevant to your focus area or ecosystem type. All menus are listed here.
Session 2: Tuesday, November 29th, 9:00am – 12:00pm ET (3 hours – see calendar invite)
Session 3: Wednesday, November 30th, 12:00pm – 3:00pm ET (3 hours – see calendar invite)
Additional materials
STEP 5 Worksheet_Monitoring_TNC Florida.docx
(29.07 KB)
CCI Campus climate change projections.pptx
(20.82 MB)
Campus Preserve Maps.pdf
(2.67 MB)
TACCIMO Florida Reference Report 111822.pdf
(503.11 KB)
Climate Impacts_SEClimateHub_112822.pdf
(6.26 MB)
Co-hosts and collaborators
Please contact Stephen Handler with any questions!

USDA Southeast Climate Hub
USDA Forest Service