Project Area

Management Goals

The overarching intent of this project is to protect water resources during a timber sale. One management goal for this project is to replace the failing culverts with new, cost-effective infrastructure, which would include designing a bridge that meets necessary criteria and can be paid for with revenue from the timber sale. Another management goal is to restore vertebrate and invertebrate passage in the riparian zone by creating more natural stream bottom conditions and increasing the length of unfragmented stream segments. A third goal is to protect multiple riparian zones during forest management activities, with objectives related to maintaining moist conditions and adequate stream shading, increasing tree species diversity, and controlling invasive exotic and undesirable plants
Climate Change Impacts
Challenges and Opportunities
Adaptation Actions
The DCR forester responsible for preparing this timber sale used the Adaptation Workbook to develop identify how the proposed timber sale could help the area to adapt to climate change. These actions largely centered on increasing the resilience of the stand by encouraging diversity and complexity.
2.2. Prevent the introduction and establishment of invasive plant species and remove existing invasive species.
5.2. Maintain and restore diversity of native species.
9.5. Disfavor species that are distinctly maladapted.
9.1. Favor or restore native species that are expected to be adapted to future conditions.
9.2. Establish or encourage new mixes of native species.