Project Area

Many trees in the proposed project area were inundated with gypsy moths this past spring. Recent drought conditions have limited the effectiveness of a soil borne fungus, Entomophaga maimaiga, which has helped keep gypsy moth populations in check since the last large outbreak during the 1980s. As oak is their preferred host, this stand is highly susceptible to heavy defoliation, a decrease in growth, and an increase in mortality.
Management Goals

The goals for this property tier to a broader strategy developed by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation to outline the management activities occurring across all of its lands. For woodlands, this includes goals related to the maintaining the ecological integrity of forested ecosystems, providing opportunities for wildlife habitat and recreation, and pursuing sustainable forestry activities. Management objectives for this site generally focused on increasing the structural diversity of the stand and regenerating the site with oak seedlings through forest harvest and, if needed, the use of prescribed fire.
Climate Change Impacts
Challenges and Opportunities
Adaptation Actions
The DCR forester responsible for preparing this timber sale used the Adaptation Workbook to identify how the proposed timber sale could help the area to adapt to climate change. These actions largely centered on increasing both species and structural diversity.
9.3. Guide changes in species composition at early stages of stand development.
8.2. Favor existing genotypes that are better adapted to future conditions.