Project Area
Management Goals
Management goals are to sustainably manage timber to generate revenue for the Permanent School Fund, and to protect water quality. Stands throughout this parcel have declined in recent years largely due to age-related succession of paper birch and aspen. Spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana) outbreaks have occurred on balsam fir stands and other forest health issues are present. Primary project objectives in the following 5 years included responding to forest health concerns and maintaining forest cover, particularly conifer cover.
Climate Change Impacts
Challenges and Opportunities
Adaptation Actions
The team were most concerned with projected changes in the site’s snow-driven hydrology and the associated potential for an increase in erosion (decrease in water quality), which was reflected in their choices of strategic approaches to adaptation. Project participants used the menu of Forested Watershed Strategies and Approaches to develop several adaptation actions for this project, including:
4.1: Favor or restore native species that are expected to be adapted to future conditions
5.4: Respond to or prepare for excessive overland flows (surface runoff)